His Perfect Timing
It’s such a beautiful thing to experience God answering our prayers in His perfect timing! Last week we gifted our client, a single mother of three boys, with this ’05 Honda Odyssey. This lady struggled through some turbulent relationships, and she was left with nothing. Additionally, the last several months she has been grieving over […]
Mother and Daughter
Last week we gifted this single mother of one with this reliable car. What a #Blessing for this lady and her young daughter! We would like to thank Family Promise of Lake Houston and The Seed of Calvary for helping us positively transform this lady’s life! She has been struggling since moving to Houston without […]
Hundreds with Uber
Our client was at risk of losing her job of 9 years, due to lack of transportation and she felt completely out of control and stressed every day without any way to make her situation better on her own. She was paying hundreds of dollars a week for Uber transportation to get to and from […]
Muffins with Mom
This single mother of four wonderful kids, one boy and three girls, has been under an extreme amount of stress about losing her job, because she did not have reliable transportation to get back and forth from work. With the vehicle she was gifted last week, we were able to help this lady ease the burden […]
Mother, College Student, Raising Sibling
We gifted this single mother of two, who is raising her own child and a sibling, with this reliable ride last week. This lady is a college student, who is working part time to pay bills and provide for her two children. She comes to us for assistance, because her vehicle stopped working over a […]
Holena’s Story
Holena’s Story Holenna has raised 30 children in her lifetime, with 5 still at home with her now. Yes, you read that correctly, 30 children including her own! She began taking in children at the age of 19. It broke her heart to see innocent children be a victim of their parents’ poor choices. Instead […]
DeDe’s Story
God’s Garage was overjoyed to be able to give a vehicle at our 3rd Annual BBQ Cookoff November 21, 2020. DeDe has been on our waiting list for a very long time, and while she was patiently waiting God was strengthening her heart and working miracles in her life. She fled a very difficult situation […]
God’s Garage Utah Car Giveaway
God’s Garage is changing the lives of single moms, widows and wives of deployed military members by repairing and gifting vehicles for them, free of charge. The idea was born out of a desire to turn simple acts of kindness into lasting positivity in the world. They’ve found that a little bit of generosity can […]
Thank You to OutKast Tundra Group and Charity Chicks
We Would Like to Give a Special Thank You to OutKast Tundra Group and Charity Chicks for Making the OutKast Tundra Group’s 3rd Annual Toy Drive Such a Success.
New Location East Conroe Car Giveaway
God’s Garage has opened a new location in East Conroe, which was celebrated by surprising a wonderful woman in need with her very own car. “To have something like this happen, I know that there is a God, and there have been times I’ve just wanted to give up and just stay back and say […]